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Homeopathy is a wonderful support for expectant Mothers during pregnancy. Complaints including morning sickness can be treated effectively and most importantly safely for both mother and baby. During the first three months of pregnancy all medication should be avoided, this being the most vulnerable time for mother and baby. Herbs, as well as some Vitamins …

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Movember – Raising Awareness for Men’s Health

Movember challenges men to change their appearance and the face of men’s health by growing a moustache. The rules are simple, start Movember 1st  clean shaven and then grow a moustache for the entire month.  The moustache becomes the ribbon for men’s health, the means by which awareness and funds are raised for cancers that …

‘Flu Season Natural Protection Tips

Here are some top Greendaisies tips for keeping healthy this ‘Flu Season. 1. Fortify your immune system: Stress, lack of sleep, poor diet, lack of exercise and unhealthy living, as well as underlying health conditions can all undermine your immune system. Vitamin D3 may be more effective than vaccines at preventing influenza infections because it …


Homeopathic treatment can provide effective support and is safe to use alongside herbal, nutritional as well as conventional medication for women experiencing pre-menopausal and menopausal symptoms. It is always best to seek individual treatment with a qualified homeopath as the most fitting remedy to treat symptoms associated with the menopause will often differ from woman …

Autism Spectrum

Homeopathy is a system of medicine that treats the individual. Homeopathic support is invaluable when it comes to ASD, Anxiety, pain management, sensitivity, not because it is a cure [run from anyone claiming that they can offer this, through homeopathy] but because when prescribed for the individual, it does what homeopathy does best. Each person …

Menopause and the Dancer

Response to question’s posed by Rachel Holland for her article in Dance UK (November 2010 issue) Dancing through the Menopause: How dancers in general can safeguard themselves against health concerns associated with the menopause and continue to dance healthily, whatever their age. “How is the menopause likely to affect the dancer and in your experience, …

Health for Heroes

In April 2005 I submitted a research paper on Gulf Related Illnesses, to identify the most indicated homeopathic remedies to support service men and women. I set out to discover whether homeopathic treatment would be a viable option in providing those suffering with post traumatic stress disorder and other gulf related illnesses with a better …

Mother and Baby

Homeopathy offers great support for mother and baby, from breast-feeding difficulties, colic, constipation, teething complaints, post-natal depression and ailments caused from child-birth. Homeopathic kits are available specifically designed to provide remedies for the listed complaints. There are also numerous books and guides available to give mothers prescribing power, especially useful for middle of the night …

Men’s Health

Prostate care after the age of 50 is very important for men’s health, as 50% of men experience some form of prostate enlargement after this age and 70% of men experience this after the age of 70. There are homeopathic remedies that may be of huge value in prostate enlargement as well as preparations in …