Greendaisies Homeopathy offers Corporations and Businesses, large and small, various options for boosting staff welfare and wellness through the Greendaisies Wellness Initiative.

Business leaders in UK are becoming more aware of the importance of the well-being of their employees within the work space, to enhance productivity and make the workplace environment more balanced, a space for rest as well as busy-ness. Companies have introduced “wellness weeks” into their calendar to provide a boost to staff well-being, offering yoga, gong baths and meditation or mindful activities for their staff within office hours. Greendaisies offer an on-site homeopathy clinic, to address acute seasonal issues with homeopathic remedies to arrest further sickness and provide expedited recovery and wellness.

In person “Corporate Clinics” can be a fantastic way to support staff, in workplace spaces prone to being hit by seasonal complaints. Candice attends your Company premises for a full or half day, depending on your staff numbers, where she will be available for 15 minute acute consultations for your team. This service can be included as part of a workplace wellness drive for employers who want to actively support good health and vitality within their team.

The way it works: Candice sets up in a private space on site, for example, a meeting room. A 15 minute acute or introductory consultation slot can be booked, and a homeopathic remedy will be prescribed. Prescriptions can be ordered online or purchased over-the-counter at various outlets in the area.

Cost: To attend half a day [9am – 1pm or 1pm – 5pm] or Full day [9am – 1pm and 2pm – 5pm]. Greendaisies charges £240.00 and £480.00 respectively. This covers between 16 and 28 members of staff who wish to have a 15 minute acute consultation with a homeopath.

Greendaisies also provides UK and International based businesses with a bespoke over-the-phone homeopathic advice service, as part of a “Wellness Support Initiative” for employees.

Additional Over-the-phone homeopathic support for employees: Employees are provided with a specific PIN number which is unique to the business/Company. This pin is quoted at the beginning of each call, and Candice provides acute over-the-phone homeopathic advice to help support your employee through an acute health issue or provide a follow-up call after an in-person clinic, if required. The company is invoiced on a Monthly basis and calls are itemised by date and employee initials. Calls are strictly confidential. Calls are charged at £1.55 per minute. The company can request a ceiling time on call duration per call if preferred [ie 5 mins] otherwise Greendaisies automatically caps all calls at 20 minutes.

Acute calls are suitable to treat complaints that have been experienced for 3 months or less. Any longer term or chronic complaints can be referred for a full Greendaisies consultation (standard consultation fees apply), to take place at a mutually convenient time, out of working hours, to be arranged and paid for privately.

Types of acute complaints that can be addressed: Common colds, coughs, headaches, stress, anxiety, performance anxiety, sleep issues, strains, injuries, digestive complaints, allergies, hayfever and more.

Seasonal Newsletter: Staff can also opt in for a tailor made Seasonal Greendaisies Newsletter, which is either emailed directly to those who sign up, with tips and advice on homeopathic remedies for Seasonal issues and complaints, or alternatively can be emailed for inclusion in a workplace monthly Newsletter or staff noticeboard.

The following article on “Homeopathic Remedies that have been helpful in past ‘flu pandemics” is an example of a Greendaisies newsletter, which was shared during the Covid pandemic. This type of article can be emailed to staff or included in a company newsletter, as part of the Greendaisies wellness package: CoVid-19, Natural protection and Homeopathy

Contact Candice if you would like to discuss how Homeopathy can help to create a happier healthier workforce.


How can Homeopathy support my business? Homeopathy can support your business in several ways. An acute clinic is an opportunity for staff members to step outside of the busy office environment for a short time, where they can seek help in addressing health issues that may be connected to work; They will receive a prescription slip to address any acute complaints which will help them recover more quickly. There may be dynamics within the office where hierarchical structures prevent members of the team to be able to express themselves effectively or feel listened to. A homeopathic consultation can provide a safe space to let off steam and find solutions to resolving conflicts within the office environment, as a complement to the work of the HR department. Homeopathic treatment addresses the deeper issues that may prevent some individuals from thriving in their work environment. The clinic can be utilised by staff according to their needs from anything from help with treating symptoms of a cold or hayfever to helping to resolve anxiety about public speaking or presentation preparation, to emotional issues triggered by clashes of personalities in the environment. A workforce with a healthy mind and body will enhance your business success and productivity.

What difference can a clinic make to staff? Virus’ that often run amok through departments and places of work can be treated, to reduce their effects. Staff members can get general homeopathic support to enhance their vitality, so they are less prone to contracting the virus’ making the rounds, and the general improvement in well-being of the staff, can lead to better productivity and morale, especially in stressful or busy working environments.

Can you explain the fee for the clinic? The fee is based on £20.00 per consultation. A half day clinic is £240.00 [[9am – 1pm or 1pm – 5pm] and covers up to 16 acute consultation sessions for the price of 12. A Full-day clinic is £480.00 [9am – 1pm and 2pm – 5pm] and covers up to 28 acute consultations for the price of 24.

Marketing the clinic to staff? Greendaisies offers a complimentary introduction to Homeopathy and what is on offer at the Homeopathic clinic up to 2 weeks before the first clinic, by arrangement and a talk can be booked for each financial quarter, with useful tips on Seasonal homeopathic self-prescribing. A Clinic can run weekly, fortnightly, monthly or Seasonally or once yearly, depending on your office needs and the popularity of the clinic.  The introduction talk can range from 20 minutes to an hour long, depending on preference, and covers a brief introduction to Homeopathy and how the clinic works, plus an opportunity for questions and answers.

Candice has been providing popular talks for charities and businesses for many years and her Corporate Clinics are intended to expand the awareness of homeopathy and natural remedies for common complaints, while providing a service to help Employers support their workforce in a holistic way.

What else is on Offer? Candice is an also a Gong Bath practitioner with experience of providing corporate gong baths with Sound Quest, and can discuss providing individual or group Gong Baths additionally, as part of a wellness week package. Please ask about details or visit for more details.

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