Green Daisies Homeopathy offers support to professional, as well as student dancers. Alongside physiotherapy or other hands-on therapeutic approaches, Homeopathy can enable dancers to reach their optimum levels of health and fitness by treating the individual’s needs and weaknesses; boosting the speed of recovery and alleviating pain after injury. Recurrent injury can be treated homeopathically by fortifying the system so that susceptibility to further injury is reduced. Performance anxiety can lead to pressure on the body and stress that makes the dancer vulnerable, and when this is the underlying issue associated with recurrent injury a homeopathic consultation and prescription provides support for a dancer’s confidence in their ability to attain their optimum performance level.
Remedies for acute complaints like strains or sprains or tired overworked muscles can be bought over the counter at many pharmacies. Every dancer will benefit from a homeopathic remedy once in a while when they have been over-stretched. Work that requires foreign travel, though exciting, can undermine the immune system. Remedies can be used for jet-lag to alleviate travel exhaustion, by taking it every few hours during a flight. There are homeopathic remedies for strains, for injury or pain in the joints, tendons and ligaments. Certain remedies can be taken singularly or in combination after a physiotherapy session helps to reduce inflammation and pain.
The rule of thumb with taking acute homeopathic remedies is to observe symptoms and take one tablet or pillule as needed up to 5 times a day. Stop with improvement.
For chronic complaints it is always best to seek treatment with a qualified Homeopathic practitioner. Chronic complaints are those that have been on-going or recurrent for 3 months or more. Green Daisies Homeopathy for Dancers addresses the individual’s needs, whether that is hormonal imbalance causing irregular periods, extreme cramping pain or skin complaints; performance anxiety; emotional or body image issues and much more. A fitting homeopathic remedy is selected to stimulate the body and mind into balance.
Green Daisies homeopath, Candice Joyce trained as a dancer at Arts Educational, Tring and Arts Ed., London. She went on to become a Physical Theatre director and performer after completeing a BA(Hons) in Drama and Theatre Studies at Royal Holloway University of London, before qualifying as a homeopathic practitioner.
Consultations are available at Green Daisies clinics in Richmond-Upon-Thames, Central London (Covent Garden) and Laban Health, Greenwich.
Candice is listed in the Dance UK, Healthier Dancer Programme practitioner list
For over-the-phone advice on homeopathic acute remedies for injuries contact Candice during the week between 9am 6pm on:
07818 070 754 (calls are charged at £1.55 per minute).