Green Daisies Homeopath Candice Joyce RSHom will be available throughout Homeopathy Awareness week which is June 14 – 21 2010 in the London area to provide Introduction talks including a practical guide to the use of Homeopathic remedies at home. Her popular Introductory talks can be tailor made to a specific group or area of interest for instance “Homeopathic Remedies for Labour”; “Homeopathy for Children’s Health” and more.
Recent talks have included “An Introduction to Homeopathy” and “Homeopathy for Stress” at Richmond Carers Centre, and past talks include a talk on “Homeopathy for Women’s health”. Up-and-coming talks include “Homeopathic approaches to Cancer” at Maggie’s Centre, Hammersmith, and “Homeopathy for Autism Spectrum Disorders” for Arnica Network, Kingston and Richmond Carer’s Centre.