Donating to the Greendaisies Fund provides homeopathic support and subsidies to people and patients who have been denied access to homeopathic support or access to homeopathic treatment since homeopathic funding was removed by NHS in 2018.
At the end of 2017 NHS England published guidance to curb prescriptions for 18 “ineffective, unsafe or low clinical priority treatments, such as co-proxamol, some dietary supplements, herbal treatments and homeopathy” with the intention of saving up to £141 million a year.
Despite an appeal by the British Homeopathic Association, to the High Court, to overturn plans to no longer routinely fund homeopathy on NHS, the rejection of this appeal led to the cutting of all homeopathic provision on the NHS.
This has been a huge blow to the thousands of people who have relied on access to homeopathic support for conditions that allopathic medicine fails to address.
Homeopathy supports millions of people in the UK alone, and numerous high quality studies which show its efficacy beyond the placebo effect, have been published.
The Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine, formally known as the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital, was founded in 1849 by Dr Frederick Foster Hervey Quin. Dr. Quin was among the first doctors to practice homeopathy in Britain, and had studied with the founder of Homeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.
Despite targeted campaigns to undermine Homeopathy’s credibility, Homeopathy has an important role in 21st Century healthcare. Patients have become aware of a tendency towards over-medicalisation, driven by the Pharmaceutical Industry’s relentless push for profit. Homeopathy is an alternative and a complement to allopathic treatment.
Homeopathy & The NHS – a brief history:
The following link provides information about the history of homeopathy and its place within the NHS since its origin in 1948.
History of The Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine NHS article